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Break the Stereotypes with Schmitten on this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is an exciting time of the year. Like other high-priority festivals, this day, too is given utmost care and attention. Given that this very day of love was a brainchild of the sentimental Victorian era rooted through the sacrifice of saints and immense love for God, it has seen a total deviation from the devotion to romantic love. True to its nature, love is the most essential ingredient of a happy and contented life, and why would one consider it the only day of expressing love?

Whenever and wherever there is love, happiness exist. It makes life colourful and gives a new meaning to life. With Valentine’s Day, love goes in the air while making this very day the most favourite for proposing marriage, getting engaged and giving surprises, etc.

In this Valentine’s season, people actually plan for a whole week. Sadly, this so-called plan is planned as it’s always been planned! The same old red rose story, tiresome fluffy teddy on the loose, same-old proposal slogans being echoed around. Hugging gets mandatory on a hug day and kissing becomes as imperative as it’s always been. Gifting the same old chocolates on a chocolate day and those unrequited promises on a promise day. Lastly, come Valentine’s day and people start yelling out the ‘I Love You’ phrase, over and again; as if chanting a love mantra for a whole happy year in a relationship.

Besides those love pundits’ cliche saga such as ‘go and propose before somebody else does’, ‘bring her a huge teddy,’ ‘weigh down her emotions with a stylish rose’, should be a thing of the past.  Amid all these lovey-dovey dossiers, Schmitten Luxury Chocolate just gave it a deep thought. Does Valentine’s Day has to woo following all these rose and cuddle mandates? Of course, everything is fair in love and war but being real, truthful, committed, devoted and compassionate is what makes one love for one’s pride!

With a view to breaking all these staggering stereotypes and mushy must-dos, Schmitten Luxury Chocolates voices its #BreakTheStereotype epic. When brands are coming up with over-sentimental doses on Valentine’s season, Schmitten Luxury Chocolates brings out really convincing commandments, which are de facto signifying the purity of love.

Schmitten plays smartly on each day of Valentine. It focuses upon being the real ‘you’, advocates inner feelings and encourages to have a big heart rather than succumbing to those must-haves and must-dos on Valentine’s Day. Touching upon the soul of love, Schmitten proclaims to remain truthful and very real in a matter of love whilst going beyond the conventional to-dos of Valentine’s Day; all in a good faith for love.

Henceforth, on this Valentine’s Day, just quash the beliefs that have been prevalent so far and be unconditional in love not just for this day but for ever and ever. It’s time to break all those stereotypes and celebrate every day by being real, loving truthfully, and celebrating with nothing but real love; for love’s sake!

“if this be error, and upon Schmitten proved,

  Schmitten never writ, nor no one ever relished pure love,”

(Lastly, for singletons Schmitten encourages them to adopt an unconditional love on 15th Feb as it is a National Pet Adoption Day. Love is universal and does come in many forms!)

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